By their implication in several important research programs the members of ORDECSYS have been authors or co-authors of several scientific books and many publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
T. Basar, A. Haurie and G. Zaccour. Nonzero-sum Differential Games – A tutorial. Chapter of the Handbook of Dynamic Game Theory (T. Basar & G. Zaccour editors) doi:10.1007/978-3-319-27335-8_5-1. 2018
D. Carlson, A. Haurie and G. Zaccour. Infinite Horizon Concave Games with Coupled Constraints - A tutorial. Chapter of the Handbook of Dynamic Game Theory (T. Basar & G. Zaccour editors) doi:10.1007/978-3-319-27335-8_34-1. 2018
Alain Haurie, Jacek B. Krawczyk & Georges Zaccour, Games & Dynamic Games. Now, World Scientific. 465 pages. 2012
J.A. Filar and A. Haurie eds., Uncertainty and environmental Decision Making, A Handbook of Research and Best Practice, Springer, International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, 2010.
A. Haurie and L. Viguier Eds. The coupling of Climate and Economic Dynamics: Essays on Integrated Assessment, Springer, 2005
F. Babonneau, A. Haurie, M. Vielle, Reaching Paris Agreement goal through carbon dioxide removal development: A compact OR model. Operations Research Letters,
Frédéric Babonneau, Ahmed Badran, Alain Haurie,Maxime Schenckery, and Marc Vielle. "GCC countries' strategic options in a global transition to zero-net emissions" is accepted for publication in Environmental Modeling & Assessment.
Frédéric Babonneau, Ahmed Badran, Maroua Benlahrech, Alain Haurie, Maxime Schenckery & Marc Vielle. Economic Assessment of the Development of CO2 Direct Reduction Technologies in Long-term Climate Strategies of the Gulf Countries. Published online, climatic change, 2021.
O. Bahn and A. Haurie, A steady-state game of a net-zero emissions climate regime, in Pierre-Olivier Pineau, Simon Sigué and Sihem Taboubi eds. Games in Management Science, Essays in Honor of Georges Zaccour, Springer, 2020.
S. Moret, F. Babonneau, M. Bierlaire and F. Maréchal. Decision support for strategic energy planning: a robust optimization framework, European Journal of Operational Research, 280(2):539-554, 2020.
F. Babonneau, E. Guevara, T. Homem-de-Mello and S. Moret. A Machine Learning and Distributionally Robust Optimization Framework for strategic energy planning under uncertainty, Applied Energy, 271, 2020.
S. Moret, F. Babonneau, M. Bierlaire and F. Maréchal. Overcapacity in European power systems: analysis and robust optimization approach, Applied Energy, 259, 2020.
F. Babonneau, A. Haurie and R. Malhame. Coupling a Power Dispatch Model with a Wardrop or Mean-Field-Game Equilibrium Model, Dynamic Games and Applications, 2020.
F. Babonneau and A. Haurie. Energy Technology Environment Model with Smart Grid and Robust Nodal Electricity Prices, Annals of Operations Research, 274(1-2):101-117, 2019.
F. Babonneau, A. Badran, M. Benlahrech, A. Haurie, M. Schenckery and M. Vielle. How a climate agreement creating an international carbon market could reduce stranded asset risk in GCC countries and Qatar in particular, IAEE’s Energy Forum, Oct/Nov 2019.
F. Babonneau, G. Corcos, L. Drouet and J.-P. Vial. NeatWork, a tool for the design of drinkable water distribution systems for poor rural communities, Informs Journal of Applied Analytics, 49(2):93-171, 2019.
R. Warren, N. Edwards, F. Babonneau et al. Producing Policy-relevant Science by Enhancing Robustness in Model Integration for the Assessment of Global Environmental Change, Environmental Modeling and Software, 111:248-258, 2019.
F. Babonneau, A. Haurie and M. Vielle. Welfare Implications of EU Effort Sharing Decision and Possible Impact of a Hard Brexit, Energy Economics, 74:470-489, 2018.
F. Babonneau, A. Bernard, A. Haurie and M. Vielle. Meta-Modeling to Assess the Possible Future of Paris Agreement, Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 23(6): 611-626, 2018.
F. Babonneau, A. Haurie and M. Vielle. From COP21 pledges to a fair 2C pathway, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 7(2):69-92, 2018.
F. Babonneau, P. Thalmann and M. Vielle. Defining deep decarbonization pathways for Switzerland: An economic evaluation based on the computable general equilibrium model GEMINI-E3, Climate Policy, 18(1):1-13, 2018.
F. Babonneau, M. Caramanis and A. Haurie. ETEM-SG: Optimizing Regional Smart Energy System with Power Distribution Constraints and Options, Environmental Modelling and Assess- ment, 22(5):411-430, 2017.
F. Babonneau, A. Haurie and M. Vielle. Assessment of Balanced Burden Sharing in the 2050 EU Climate/Energy Roadmap: A Metamodeling Approach, Climatic Change, 134(4):505-519, 2016.
C. Andrey, O. Bahn and A. Haurie. Computing alpha-robust Equilibria in Two Integrated Assessment Models for Climate Change; in Florian Wagener and Frank Thuijsman (eds.) Advances in Dynamic and Evolutionary Games. Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games, Springer 2016.
F. Babonneau, A. Haurie and M. Vielle. A Robust Noncooperative Meta-Game for Climate Negotiation in Europe, Advances in Dynamic and Evolutionary Games, Volume 14 of the series Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games pp 301-319, 2016.
F. Babonneau, M. Caramanis and A. Haurie. A Linear Programming Model for Power Distribution with Demand Response and Variable Renewable Energy, Applied Energy, 181:83-95, 2016.
F. Babonneau, A. Haurie and M. Vielle. Vers une politique du climat réaliste et efficace : à la lumière de la théorie des jeux (version longue), FERDI Policy Brief, 2016.
F. Babonneau, M. Caramanis and A. Haurie. Systems Analysis for Regional Energy Modeling with Smart Grid Integration of Distributed Energy Resources, IAEE Energy Forum, pp. 15-18, second quarter 2016.
S.R. Joshi, M. Vielle, F. Babonneau, N. Edwards and P. Holden. Physical and economic consequences of sea-level rise: A coupled GIS and CGE analysis under uncertainties, Environmental and Resource Economics, 65(4):813-839, 2016.
O. Bahn and A. Haurie. A cost-effectiveness differential game model for climate agreements. Dynamic Games and Applications, Vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 1-19, 2016.
C. Andrey, F. Babonneau and A. Haurie. Stochastic and robust modelling of mitigation and adaptation policies applied to regional energy systems. Application to the Midi-Pyrénées region, Nature Science Société, 23(2):133-149, 2015.
F. Babonneau, A. Haurie and M. Vielle. Impact of uncertain CCS deployment on EU climate negotiations, International Energy Workshop, June 2015, available online.
F. Babonneau and A. Haurie. Modeling Energy and Technology Choices in Smart Regional Energy Systems, International Energy Workshop, June 2015, available online.
M. Labriet, S.R. Joshi, F. Babonneau, N. Edwards, P. Holden, A. Kanudia and M. Vielle. Worldwide impacts of climate change on energy for heating and cooling, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 20(7):1111-1136, 2015.
A. Haurie, F. Babonneau, N. Edwrads, P. Holden, A. Kanudia, M. Labriet, M. Leimbach, B. Pizzileo and M. Vielle. Fairness in Climate Negotiations: a Meta-Game Analysis Based on Community Integrated Assessment. The Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Global Warming, 2014.
F. Babonneau, A. Haurie and M. Vielle. A Robust Meta-Game for Climate Negotiations, Computational Management Science, 10(4):299-329, 2013.
F. Babonneau, Y. Nesterov and J.-P. Vial, Design and operations of gas transmission networks, Operations Research, 60(1):34-47, 2013.
F. Babonneau, O. Klopenstein, A. Ouorou and J.-P. Vial, Robust capacity expansion solutions for telecommunication networks with uncertain demands, Networks, 62(4):255-272, 2013.
P. Holden, N. Edwards, P. Garthwaite, K. Fraedrich, F. Lunkeit, E. Kirk, M. Labriet, A. Kanudia and F. Babonneau. PLASIM-ENTSem: a spatio-temporal emulator of future climate change for impacts assessment, Geoscientific Model Development, 6:3349-3380, 2013.
F. Babonneau, A. Haurie, G. Tarel and J. Théné, Assessing the Future of Smart Grid Technologies in Regional Energy Systems, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 148(2):229-273, 2012.
F. Babonneau, A. Kanudia, M. Labriet, R. Loulou and J.-P. Vial, Energy Security: a Robust Programming Approach and Application to European Energy Supply via TIAM, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 17(1), p19-37, 2012.
F. Babonneau, M. Vielle, A. Haurie and R. Loulou, Combining Stochastic Optimization and Monte Carlo Simulation to Deal with Uncertainties in Climate Policy Assessment, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 17(1), p51-76, 2012.
A. Haurie, M. Tavoni and B. van der Zwaan, eds. 1-5. Modeling Uncertainty and the Economics of Climate Change: Recommendations for Robust Energy Policy; Special Issue, Energy Policy. Environmental Modeling and Assessment Numbers 1-2 / March 2012 pp 1-5.
F. Babonneau and J.-P. Vial. Optimisation Robuste et décisions dans l’incertain. White book on “Operations research for industry”, Eds. ROADEF, 2012.
F. Babonneau, J.-P. Vial and R. Apparigliato, Robust optimization for environmental and energy planning, book chapter in the handbook on “Uncertainty and Environmental Decision Making” in Springer’s International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, pages 79-126. Springer Verlag, 2010.
F. Babonneau and J.-P. Vial, A partitioning algorithm for the network loading problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 204(1), p173-179, 2010.